Park Progress Update, April 2022

New Parcel Approval Needed at Town Meeting.

At a previous Town Meeting, voters approved a parcel of land to build a park on Commerce Way and the Friends of the Marshfield Dog Park volunteer group had begun the process to prepare the lot. However, a different plot is now available right next door: similar in size but flatter and with existing parking and trees for shade!

As the cost to prepare and build on the original site had increased unexpectedly and exponentially, moving the location to this new lot will get us a park sooner. This new parcel is located off Proprietor’s Drive nearby the Boys and Girls Club and the recreational complex for the ball fields. (The previous site is circled in orange in the photo and the new location is circled in red). Previously used as a commuter bus lot, the new parcel will need to be approved at town meeting on Monday April 25th with a 2/3 vote.

There will be a second article asking for $175,000 from the Community Preservation Committee, requiring a majority vote to pass. The Community Preservation Act (CPA) allows local communities to adopt a surcharge on property taxes and receive state matching funds for affordable housing, historic resources, open space and recreation land. Marshfield residents voted to adopt the Community Preservation Act in 2001 and it has been a major funding source for dozens of projects in town. This will be added to the $225,000 grant to build the park from the Stanton Foundation and we continue to raise funds to close the gap between the grant and the estimated cost to build the park.

Please vote at town meeting on Monday, April 25th @ 7:00 pm at Marshfield High School!

The process to get the dog park project kicked off has had many unexpected twists, but this new parcel will put us closer than ever to breaking ground. Join us at MHS on Monday, April 25th at 7 pm to vote yes for the new parcel and the CPC grant and give our dogs the park they deserve!

Fundraising update.

Your generous donations have raised $34,000 so far and are maintained by the Friends of the Marshfield Dog Park, a 501(c)(3) organization. While the team originally planned to reserve these donations for community awareness, engagement, and maintenance after the park was completed, the fund will be made available for the construction of the park. We will continue to provide updates and are so grateful to everyone who has volunteered time and donated money to get this park built.


We are always looking for corporate partnerships and sponsors. Contact us or send us an email.

Are you able to help build the park? Please email us at dogpark02050 [at] gmail [dot] com. Reducing construction costs is the fastest path to a park.

Have any other ideas about fundraising or want to get involved? Let us know!

Erin Fitzpatrick